About Me

I’m a writing professional with over ten years experience delivering effective user assistance content to vast audiences. Currently, I am a Technical Writer for Pearson Education’s flagship product, Schoolnet Instructional Management Suite. Schoolnet is a learning management system solution for K-12. As a member of many software cropped-photo2.jpgdevelopment teams, I develop and manage the online help systems for our learning platform. I enjoy creating and organizing content, help systems architecture, and user interface design.  Prior to joining Pearson, I spent several years in the financial services industry and held a Series 6 license.

I  hold an associate degree from Arapahoe Community College and received the President’s Scholarship to continue my studies at the Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU).  At MSU I achieved a bachelor of  arts in English (emphasis on Creative Writing) and History and graduated Magna Cum Laude. I am currently enrolled in a graduate program with the University of Colorado studying Information and Learning Technologies.

Immediately after completing my undergraduate studies, one of my mentors invited me to participate on the review committee for her new novel. Shortly after this project was completed, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc. published Dr. Theresa Crater’s book, Under the Stone Paw.  This experience motivated me to start a freelance editing firm where I had the pleasure of working with several authors including Rebecca Easton, The Trophy Abyss.

Soon after marriage,  my husband and I were relocated to Orlando, Florida where I began a brief and exciting career in broadcasting. I had a lot of fun organizing live broadcasts, promotions, and sales stunts with national and local celebrities. Upon moving to Denver, I remained in broadcasting but my passion for writing could not be ignored. The dribble submitted by the station’s sales team provided abundant opportunities to sharpen my pencil. I became the station’s scribe.

Side Note: It was a beautiful spring day during the Colorado Rockies inaugural season. I received a call from the press booth. The station was on a short commercial break and the guys needed a live read for the next segment.  Not even Braxton Hicks could stop my muse. While it was just :15 copy, the client loved  it and ran the slug line for 10 years. Oh, and my buddies, well they expressed their gratitude during the 7th Inning Stretch by welcoming the arrival of the Rockies’ youngest fan!

I grew up on the East Coast and spent most of my vacations on the Jersey Shore. I know what you’re thinking, but you can’t believe everything that you see on TV. Well, it’s mostly untrue. I love living in the Rocky Mountain Region:  Little to no humidity and year-round sunshine. I enjoy doing anything outdoors; hiking, biking, but running is my thing. I run about 3-4 times each week and regularly participate in local running events. My all-time favorite pastime is spending time with my husband and two children. Life amid the majestic Rockies is nearly perfect, but I do long for my beloved Jersey Shore.

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