Tweet, tweet, what a twreat

As many of you are aware, I decided to take the plunge and recently entered into a graduate program with the University of Colorado for Instructional Learning Technologies. So far this semester, I’m having an absolute blast. Graduate school is nothing like the dirge of completing my undergraduate coursework.

In my Social Media course, I’m studying Web 2.0 tools. Through collaboration and connections, social network communities promote lifetime learning. Everything you need to know is just a few clicks away. Prior to taking this course, my viewpoint of social media was quite limited. I used Facebook  to socialize with friends and family and LinkedIn for professional associations.

Well last week’s Social Media class completely changed my viewpoint. The assignment was to try something new. My rationale for choosing Twitter was simple: megastars, organizations, my kids. It seemed as though everyone else was tweeting except me. So with nothing to lose, except maybe a few points in the grade book, I tweeted. I have to say it was a lot of fun. Twitter has its own Twerminolog that would make Tolkien proud. After getting used to the site’s navigation, I found it to be a wealth of information.  Just enter keywords into the search bar, and off you go.


I searched for people, categories, and organizations. I read and tweeted, and read and tweeted, and then read some more. I found Twitter to be a powerful tool where I could find information on just about anything. This site sure beats Funk & Wagnalls encyclopedia from days gone by. I have no doubts that I’ll enjoy more twreats from Twitter as I become accustomed to the site’s features. And since Twitter is an ultimate blogging tool, I’m using it to promote My Blog.

With Twitter’s limited 140 characters, I’ll keep my Facebook account to connect with friends and family. If you’re a Twitter user, drop me a note and let me know what has you chirping.


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